Tracking TFB cycles (thoughts, feelings, behaviours) is a useful way to find out more about your feelings, and understand yourself better. If you are feeling low, it is useful to tune into your feelings, and to notice the related thoughts and behaviours. Then you can begin to change things.

Strong moods usually indicate something important is going on for you and can provide good information that you need to act to alleviate stress or distress in your life.
When we experience a mood, our physical body reacts in a certain way. This is especially noticeable when the emotion or mood is very strong. Our body feelings or physical reactions can be important clues as to what mood or emotions we are experiencing.
Remember, you do not have to act based on how you feel. In fact, when an emotion is very strong and very negative, it can be a bad idea to react to it without first pausing to think through the most helpful way to respond.
So in my case, I was given a sheet to fill out for an episode as of when it happens. This diagram is particularly useful and clear in breaking down a particular situation in terms of our thoughts and body/physical sensations and how those are in line with our behaviours.

Try starting with a strong feeling, and then note the situation and behaviours that came with that feeling. It is best to choose feelings that are strong or intense, and then chart the situation and behaviours associated with them These TFB cycles are a useful way to find out more about your feelings, and understand yourself better.

The fact that this cycle helps you tune into the moment in order to understand how we react, has made me create a "pocket card" long ago when I was doing the CBT online modules, so when I do experience such situations, I can bring myself to the present by following this cycle.